And other daily happenings...
So unless you have been living under a rock, which knowing some of you it may be a possibility, Sara has arrived in Sydney! She has been in Australia for over 2 weeks now and I am loving every minute of it. We had a brilliant Valentines Day and a great trip to Perth. Having had the opportunity to meet all Sara's family and friends over Christmas and New Year (and thoroughly enjoying it) I thought it was time for her to do the same. I was a little worried that it might scare her off but she was going to meet them at some point in the future so why not now? It was great showing Sara around the city I grew up in. Perth really is a fantastic place, there isn't much to do and I ran out of ideas of things to do 2 days into the trip but still, I love it. Sara got her first taste of cricket and Australian basketball which I think she enjoyed. I had a great time introducing her to everyone and I hope everyone that met her enjoyed getting to know her.
So on my last day in Perth it was agreed by everyone (except me) that I needed a haircut. So during an unusually weak moment I bowed to peer pressure (I'm not proud of myself) and went and got it chopped. It was an interesting experience. First the hairdresser said my hair was too thin, but I had too much of it. Then he said I have lots of moles, then he told me I have a massive bump on my head that makes it hard to style my hair. Well needless to say this did not help me overcome my need to stay out of hairdressing salons. So next time you see me expect my hair to be down past my shoulders, possibly tied in a pony tail.
Sara celebrated her birthday yesterday! We went into the city and then got the ferry out to Manly. We got rained on and spent a lot of time on stake out outside a church. The day ended well when we went into Baker's Delight for 2 chocolate hot cross buns and left we so much free stuff as they were closing the store and wanted to get rid off it. It was nice to spend a birthday together, in fact it was nice to spend most of Sara Normand month (February) together. I look forward to spending the rest of our birthdays together, hopefully with a little more spending money than this one, but we still had a great time!
This week my focus will be on regrowing my hair and the continuing search for a job. I do have a job but I don't really wont it long term and I'm not sure I will get consistent hours. Hopefully one of these days I will get a full time job, it really would make everything so much easier. As for Sara, it is her first day of uni today! I hope she enjoys her classes. So I wish her good luck and for everyone else returning to uni this week I hope it all goes well!
Happy Sara Normand month to everyone and Happy Birthday (American time) to Sara!!!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
7 and a half months down, 16 hours to go...
One of the pros of being in a relationship with someone from another country is that they talk slightly differently (some would say more correctly) to you. Sara told me she had a dream that I dyed my 'bangs' yellow. As far as I knew your 'baby boy bangs' was an African rapper who resides in Melbourne and his interests include meeting you on facebook and taking you to da movies friday night, thats right (for anyone interested I have attached one of bangs' finest pieces of music at the bottom of this update). But no I was wrong, apparently bangs are the same as a fringe. Anyway I don't know if people in Australia call them bangs but I'd never heard of it. Little things, like this seemingly boring conversation, are what you miss out on when you are so far apart and are what I'm looking forward to in 16 hours time when Sara lands in Sydney.
It has been a busy week but my focus all week has been on 8.25 AEST on Saturday the 12th of Feb! Not sure if I will be able to sleep tonight but if I do I can guarantee that I will wake more excited than I have ever been in my life, like all my Christmases have come at once! 16 hours...
In the time we have been together we have only been together in America. I have had a great time in the states and I absolutely love it over there but I am definitely looking forward to being able to show Sara my home ground. It will be funny for her to be the one with the cool accent (mine was more weird than cool) and for me to be the one with the exotic girlfriend from miles away (not that I'm exotic either). I will be taking her to see my teams play and explaining sports to her and people will be asking her ridiculous questions about the American equivalent of Crocodile Dundee. It's definitely going to be a lot of fun.
This week I also started training for my new job at the Menzies hotel Sydney. Job training is always boring and this was no exception. The thing I find most interesting is listening to the people that are also being trained. On this occasion I had one guy making up stories about how he had by accident, organised for both his foreign supermodel girlfriends to come to Sydney on the same day and another trying to see if I knew some secret code for some secret society. I'm really not sure what I've gotten myself into here but at least I'll always be able to have a laugh, actually it is reminding me of my work with the Autism Association.
Also I forgot to add in my last blog that I am also a Lakers fan!
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